End of the Year Review and Appeal

seedlings newly planted into pots

2022 was a milestone year in the Church Within A Church Movement’s history! Please help us to ensure that the Movement remains strong and continues to move forward toward equity and justice at the intersections.


sankofa bird wood carving

“Sankofa” – an African word that comes from the Akan people of Ghana – literally means “to go back and fetch it.” In other words, we go back to our roots not to stay back, but to move forward.

Encircled by the Invitation

tone sculpture of clergy praying in Birmingham, Alabama.

Immediately I felt a warm blanket encircle me when I began reading Vernice’s emailed invitation to come, to gather with our people in Birmingham, AL for dedicated time together at sacred sites of ancestral sacrifice.

Alabama Bound!

Vernice Thorn and Brian Ray in front of the Civil Rights Institute

Thanks to The Church Within A Church Movements’ sponsorship, 11 Black folk are gathering in Alabama, starting in Birmingham, to visit some historical museums and events from specifically the Black experience.